Reh – Idu Festival Arunachal Pradesh

An important festival of Arunachal Pradesh, Reh is the festival of the Idus tribes. People of Idus tribe believe that they are the sons, and daughters of divine mother 'Nanyi Inyitaya.' And the fact is that no one can get the blessings of the divine mother by keeping their bond alive of brotherhood until, and unless they celebrate the Reh festival. Celebrating this festival is important but it is usually seen that not everyone can celebrate it as preparing for it can cost a bomb. The festival is celebrated between February-August for six days. Tribes of villages like Talo, Amru, and Dri villages that stay in the snowfall area celebrate it during summer and monsoon as the weather is moderate and fishes can be seen in the streams.

Andropu is the first day of the festival during which prayers are offered so that next five days can pass off smoothly. On this day, the mithuns are brought and tied near the house. Also, a dance is performed in the night. Eyanli is the second day of the festival on which mithuns and buffaloes are killed. On the third day - 'Iyili,' special meal is prepared. There's no much feasting on the fourth day, Ilyiromunyi but a ritual is performed for wealth, prosperity, and well-being. On this day, an omen is also performed by pouring 'Yu' rice beer into the ears of a pig. If the pig doesn't show any sign of concern, it is considered evil. The fifth day of the festival is Aru-Go, during which special festival takes place.

Reh – Idu Festival

Etoanu or sixth day is when blood smeared seeds are sown in the fields and rice beer is poured for the goddess of the household. The fifth day of the festival is Aru-Go, during which special festival takes place. Etoanu or sixth day is when blood smeared seeds are sown in the fields and rice beer is poured for the goddess of the household.

Arunachal Pradesh Travel Information at a Glance

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